The School
We provide a warm and inviting environment, where students can become comfortable and feel confident experimenting with new concepts. Our program emphasizes developing the intrinsic motivation of our youngest students to build inquisitive and highly engaged learners. Our highly curated play centers are filled with stimulating activities that are integrated with our curriculum units. These activities are rotated as our curriculum changes.
We focus on the following themes:
Practical: Our goal is to teach your child about him/herself by developing awareness for their self care as well as for their environment. The children are encouraged to play an active role in the ordering and upkeep of the classroom in order to develop good habits of cooperation and organization. We also provide ample opportunities for physical movement to encourage coordination and gross motor development. By implementing a standard of personal responsibility, we are setting our children up for independence and self-discipline.
Emotional: At the Batt School, we focus on the comprehensive development of the whole student. Learning to express emotions, develop empathy, and show compassion for ourselves and others are the main tenants of the emotional foundation of each child. Our teachers are highly trained in differential attention techniques, and your child’s emotional wellness is paramount to our teaching philosophy.